RPS Chatter November – 2022
Quick Jump
Upcoming events
7.11.22 - 18.11.22/
12:30pm-3:30pmSwimming Program – Prep & Year 2
RPS Whole School Production
RPS Whole School Production
State Wide Year 7 Orientation Day
Term dates
- Term 1 28.01.22 - 8.04.22
- Term 2 26.04.22 - 24.06.22
- Term 3 11.07.22 - 16.09.22
- Term 4 3.10.22 - 20.12.22
Message from the Principal
Have you heard the news? To say the past 24 hours has been one of excitement is an understatement…. We are trying to keep a lid on it until we know the election result, but just the thought of $15.4 million to re-build our school puts a smile on our face from ear to ear! IF our dreams become reality, there is a strict process to follow…. we know it won’t be a quick one…..but we are here for the long haul.
This is not the only exciting news happening here at RPS. Every four years, schools in Victoria undertake a Strategic Plan Review which provides an opportunity to reflect on performance against targets that have been set previously and identify future focus areas for the next Strategic Plan. Our turn for a school review is in February 2023. There is a lot of work to get done before then. To assist us with that we will be holding a Parent Forum on Friday 18th November at 9:30am to run through some data that connects to our current targets. For those unable to attend the forum, we will send out the presentation and a feedback survey to complete so we can have a broad range of input.
I haven’t even begun to talk about all the other amazing things happening this term at RPS! In a nutshell:
· Our 3-5’s have their final day of swimming today (and they are exhausted!)
· P-2’s commences their two-week intensive swimming on Monday
· Each class is eagerly rehearsing their item for the Whole School Production
· Year 6’s are learning their lines and dance moves
· 21 of our students (and Josh) are off to Somers Camp for 9 days
· 2023 Prep Transition sessions start next week
· Planning for the 2023 is in full swing
· Plans for Year 6 graduation have begun
· Year 6 open water course happens in December
I’m exhausted just thinking about it…there is definitely no slowing down to the end of the year!
Rehearsals for our whole school production is ticking along. At this stage the timeline is:
· Year 6 “bootcamp” November 24th, 25th, 28th
· Whole school rehearsal November 29th
· Evening performances 6pm November 30th & December 1st
· Ticketing information will be sent out mid next week.
Other than that, we’re all good. It does remind me that with so much going on, it’s easy to forget or misinterpret information. If you ever need clarification, be sure to check the website or call the office so we can set you straight.
That’s all from me this week. I look forward to seeing you around the school ground.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay happy and remember to be kind to yourself and others.
Megan 😊
Should I stay or should I go?
I know it’s hard to believe but, planning for the 2023 school year is in full swing! To assist us in making sure we are ready for next year, if you or anyone you know would like to be part of our amazing school community in 2023 and they are not yet enrolled, please make sure enrolment forms are completed and returned to Jake in the office as soon as possible.
Also, we need to know if you’re in grades 1-5 and planning on leaving at the end of the year.
Russell’s Joke of the week:
Every morning I tell my wife that l’m going jogging, but I never go…
It’s a running joke.
School Hats
It’s spring and our students are required to be wearing their school hat.
We thank you for ensuring your child has a named hat at school everyday.
Student of The Week
- Ruby A – For being a kind, caring and resilient member of the class. You are always patient and work hard to look after others! Well done Ruby!
- Oisin B – For his creativity and use of his imagination in writing. Well done Oisin!
Year 1/2
- Florence F – For your kind and respectful manner. You always take pride in your work and should be very proud of everything you are achieving. Well done Florence!
- Felix F – Congratulations Felix for being the kind of student who deserves an award every day! Always caring, respectful and focused – what a shining star you are!
- Sana S – For always trying her hardest in the classroom and looking out for her friends.
- Angus O – For your amazing orientation to your narrative this week. You described your character in so much detail and used some fantastic adjectives. Well done, Gus!
- Aanav G – His continued persistence, positive attitude towards a challenge and role model behaviour
Year 3/4
- Hudson B – For being such a kind and considerate member of our class. You are such a great friend, always adding a ray of sunshine to everyones day. Keep sparkling!
- George B – For having such a spectacular excited and open mind frame in our maths lessons. You are always open to getting better, something you should be very proud of. Congratulations George. B!!
- Dane R – For bringing an enthusiastic attitude and a big smile to everything you do. Keep being awesome Dane!
- Milly B – For always having a smile on your face at school. Your smile brighten ups our class’s day. You know what they say – “A simple smile can lead to a Millie-ion things!”
- Amber P – For the consistent high level of effort you bring into the classroom every day. What a pleasure it has been having you as part of our class this year. It’s Amberlievable how your positive attitude rarely sways. Keep it up Percival!
- Kitty M – For the positive vibes you bring to each day, especially our end of the day sing-alongs!
Year 5/6
- Michael M – Demonstrating his leadership skills and always being a positive and enthusiastic learner.
2023 Prep Transition Program
Please note: The last transition session (Meet the Teacher) has been pushed back one week from the initial advertised date.
Special Events
RPS events are posted on our website and the Compass Calendar.
Please ensure you check both platforms regularly to ensure you are kept up to date for all RPS events.
The RPS 2022 Whole School Production
Ticketing information will be sent out mid next week.
The RPS 2022 Whole School Production (evening session)
RPS Swimming Program
Prep, Year 1 & Year 2 Schedule
Dates: 7th of November – 18th of November
Students will have a 10 day swimming program.
Recent RPS Activities
Tennis Hotshot Champions
“We are the champions”…. And on to the next round at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club.
We are very proud of your sportsmanship and efforts… AND you had fun!
Visitors to RPS
This week we had a visit from Labor Candidate, Lauren O’Dwyer with Minister for Education, the honourable Natalie Hutchins. We are delighted to share with our community that if Labor is re-elected, our school will receive $15.4 million to rebuild and improve our amazing school.
Prep Excursion to Myuna Farm – By Archer T
Last week the Preps at RPS went to Myuna Farm. First, we went on the big fun bus. I sat next to Oisin. Second, we met the farmers, our farmer was called Farmer Jason. Next, we fed all of the animals and went on a train! We saw an emu, goats, guinea pigs and a snake. Then we went through the maze and played on the playground. It was the best day.
Navigating the online space with your child can be challenging. I have included an information sheet from the eSmart commission with some helpful tips and links for parents of primary aged children.
We have also booked the Cyber Safety Project to come to RPS on November 14 to conduct workshops with all of our students and staff. There will be a Compass event posted early next week with more details and payment options.