RPS Chatter November (2) – 2022
Quick Jump
Upcoming events
RPS Whole School Production
RPS Whole School Production
State Wide Year 7 Orientation Day
Term dates
- Term 1 28.01.22 - 8.04.22
- Term 2 26.04.22 - 24.06.22
- Term 3 11.07.22 - 16.09.22
- Term 4 3.10.22 - 20.12.22
Message from the Assistant Principal
Thank you for another wonderful fortnight of happy and safe learning and playing at Richmond Primary. It continues to be a pleasure every day to see all the smiling faces of students just bouncing into school. There is a buzz in the air watching and listening to our classes dancing and singing as they practise for their part in the school production which is just over 10 days away. All the information families will need to ensure smooth performances will be communicated shortly. “Florence and Orlando Travel Back In Time”, will be performed over 2 evenings; Wednesday November 30 and Thursday December 1. Both shows will start at 6.00. We look forward to all students participating.
At the end of last week Megan and I attended the Yarra Darebin Principal Conference with the focus of “Leading with Optimism and Resilience”. The first key note speaker, Tracey Ezard presented a thought provoking workshop challenging us to think about our leadership style. Wayne Schwass from Pucka Up reminded us as leaders of the importance of prioritising our mental health so that we can be our best and lead our schools successfully.
Class Placement 2023
We invite parents to email Megan or myself if you have a request for your child’s placement for 2023 by COB Tuesday 22 November. Please note that all requests will be considered but cannot always be granted.
Last week we held our second Prep Transition and Parent Information session. This is a very exciting time for our school as we support students as they begin their school journey. The current Year 5 students will join our future Prep students next Tuesday and begin their role as Prep Buddies. This is a highly successful program which we are very proud of and that the students highly value.
The state wide transition day is on Tuesday 13th December. On this day our Year 6’s will have the opportunity to visit their secondary schools. We will also hold an in school ‘Moving On Up Day’ day where are current Prep-year 5 students will spend time in their new spaces. They will not be meeting their 2023 teacher.
Student Wellbeing
The end of the year is often a challenging time for students as they tire and require a little more structure and support to ensure their emotional and wellbeing needs are being catered for. We are very conscious of this, and teachers are continuing to plan multiple different learning activities which are fun and engaging. We recognise that the busyness of school and personal lives impact students in different ways, so teachers are allocating extra time both explicitly planned and incidentally to hold Circle Times with their classes. This ensures that minor incidents and concerns can be dealt with and discussed in a safe and supportive environment. Please reach out if your child is experiencing difficulties as we head into the final half of Term 4.
Have a great weekend,
Should I stay or should I go?
To assist us in making sure we are ready for next year, if you or anyone you know would like to be part of our amazing school community in 2023 and they are not yet enrolled, please make sure enrolment forms are completed and returned to Jake in the office as soon as possible.
Also, please inform Jake as soon as possible if you are planning on leaving at the end of the year. This is only required if your children are in grades 1-5.
Russell’s Joke of the week:
What do you call a mother crow?
A ma caw.
School Hats
It’s spring and our students are required to be wearing their school hat.
We thank you for ensuring your child has a named hat at school everyday.
Student of The Week
- Camilla B – Always being a responsible and resilient learner, you have developed a growth mindset and a willingness to challenge yourself, and you shine with your learning each week. Thank you for bringing your caring nature into Prep B – you are a superstar!
Year 1/2
- Neve E– For developing a growth mindset in your writing and using feedback to improve your work and unlock your potential.
- Nora C – For thinking deeply and critically about everything we learn. It is a pleasure to listen to your thoughts and insights. You’re a superstar, Nora!
Year 3/4
- Winter N – For going above and beyond in our Writing and Spelling lessons. Your use of commas is amazing Winter!
- Harley P -For your excellent work in our Angles lessons. You are an engineer in the making Harley!
- Lily J – For the passion and enthusiasm she brings to her writing and Production practise. Keep being awesome Lily!
- Ned M – For your fantastic work in your lit circles discussion each week. It’s clear you really use your Ned when reading and think about what is really happening in the book. Keep it up!
Year 5/6
- Tristan B – His enthusiasm and professionalism during our dance rehearsals – a sensational effort, Tristan – great job!
- Rose L – For showing such enthusiasm and pizazz towards the School Play – you superstar!
2023 Prep Transition Program
Please note: The last transition session (Meet the Teacher) has been pushed back one week from the initial advertised date.
Special Events
RPS events are posted on our website and the Compass Calendar.
Please ensure you check both platforms regularly to ensure you are kept up to date for all RPS events.
The RPS 2022 Whole School Production - Performance 1
The RPS 2022 Whole School Production - Performance 2
Tickets for the RPS 2022 Whole School Production are on sale today!
Cost: $20.00 per ticket
To ensure enough tickets are available for the RPS community, there is a limit of 3 tickets TOTAL per family.
Please note: Non-school age children who can sit on a parent’s lap can attend the production for free.
Please click on the below link to purchase tickets.
Recent RPS Activities
Somers School Camp
Fun from Somers!
Respectful Relationships Professional Learning at RPS
This week the RPS staff have done professional learning with the Respectful Relationships project lead from the Education Department. This was a great refresher of how important it is to create an inclusive, respectful and safe school community for all. Topics such as emotional literacy, personal strengths, problem solving, help seeking and stress management are being woven into each day at RPS through circle time conversations, the use of The Zones of Regulation and stand-alone lessons which have come from the RR team. We will showcase some of these activities in the newsletter each fortnight next year.
Performing Arts
What an exciting climax we are going to have as the school year nears completion.
The 5/6 band continues to have a rewarding musical experience with jazz content being attempted. The 3/4 choir enthusiastically rehearse for their participation in the evening Yarra Council Christmas Carol Event on December 8th. Naturally, the whole school is rehearsing for our exciting production at the turn of this month. Even the birds that sometimes frequent our school grounds seem to be chirping and dancing!
A great time at Richmond Primary School!
Gary Pearl
Performing Arts Teacher
Cyber Safety Project
Last week the Cyber Safety Project visited RPS and the students had a lot of fun learning about being safe in the digital world. We are a collaborative school, and this is part of the journey to RPS becoming a registered e-Smart school.
Congratulations on being awarded the status of “Collaborating School” with the Cyber Safety Project!
Richmond Primary School – Collaborating School
This year Richmond Primary School is proudly collaborating with the Cyber Safety Project to facilitate cyber safety education across our whole school community, including students, staff and parents. Students have uncovered the risks of learning, connecting and playing online and are empowered to navigate the online world as safe, independent and responsible digital citizens.
The Cyber Safety Project is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider. To further support cyber safety education at home, you can find helpful online home safety guides, conversation checklists and resources for creating a safe digital environment at home via cybersafetyproject.com.au
Additional online safety support resources:
Report online harms including cyber bullying, image-based abuse or illegal and harmful content – eSafety.gov.au
Report child exploitation material to the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation – accce.gov.au
If your child is immediate danger call 000.